Hans van Meeuwen Selected Works     Biography    Press Release

  Scraping Skies

  March 27 - May 31, 2008

  Cristinerose Gallery is pleased to announce the opening of Scraping Skies, new sculptures and drawings by Dutch artist Hans van Meeuwen.

  This new body of work consists of sculptures characterized by the isolation of anatomical fragments and the unification of the incoherent all linked by a fantastical perspective. The viewer is induced to wonder about the anomalies of each element that is different not only in scale but also in context resulting in new associations as well as absurdity. However, the absurdity of the works is not absurd anymore when one thinks about the reality of dreams. The dimensions are off kilter, the perspectives erratic, and the order of things askew. Each object is rearranged in an inverted world with a different logic.

  Through the sculptures and the depiction of objects, animals, and abstract forms in the drawings, van Meeuwen leads the viewer to the world of memories and dreams. The transformations in his objects by the memory process are also intensified by the influence of childhood memories. Memory images are more childlike in the sense that the object’s size corresponds to its relevance, not to its size in the physical world. It is in part due to the different perspective of a child for whom everything seems much larger than for the full-grown adult.

  This fun yet ironic body of work examines the ambiguity and the multi-dimensionality of a child’s existence from the perceptual world of adults. Oversized legs, miniature guys, and morphing abstract shapes create a magical world with a touch of irony.

  Van Meewen’s works are ideal objects for the imagination. They provide enough stimulus to get the process going but remain vague enough not to determine its direction. In his world of inversions and fragmentation (without context or narrative structure) everything is turned upside down, overstretched, deformed, and taken out of the flow of time. Van Meewen works develop a spell, an almost mystical, magical state between reality and fiction -- it is personal, witty, weird, and unexpected.

Hans Van Meeuwen was born in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, lived for 15 years in Cologne, Germany and recently moved to New York. He has shown extensively both in galleries and museums throughout Germany and the Netherlands.